
About Plantation Shutters

What are Plantation Shutters?

The Plantation Shutter is one of the most popular interior window treatments due to its style and functionality. Shutters consist of a frame mounted inside, or outside, the window opening which holds horizontal blades that can be adjusted. Using these blades, you can control how much light enters the room and keep it private. In addition to coming in a variety of sizes and finishes, frames and blades are typically made of wood, composite material, or synthetic material.

What are the benefits of Plantation Shutters?

Plantation Shutters offer several benefits for homeowners, including durability, precise light control, energy efficiency, privacy, easy maintenance, added home value, and stylish design options. Made from solid materials like wood or PVC, they are long-lasting and can withstand daily use and exposure to the elements. Adjustable blades allow for precise heating and cooling control, reducing energy bills and improving comfort. They also provide privacy and easy maintenance, as although they may collect some dust or bobwebs, they are easily wiped clean with a damp cloth. Plantation Shutters are a premium window treatment that can add value to a house and offer a range of styles, colours, and materials to match any decor.

What are the disadvantages of Plantation Shutters?

While plantation shutters have many advantages, they also have some disadvantages to consider, including: higher cost compared to curtains and blinds, potential to reduce natural light, the need for precise measurements and installation, limited use with irregularly shaped windows and limited colour options. The shutters need accurate measurements and installation to ensure proper fit and operation, and they cannot be used with irregularly shaped windows. They also require regular cleaning to keep them in good condition. Additionally, Plantation Shutters are harder to remove and can limit future changes to window treatments.

How do Plantation Shutters work?

Plantation shutters are an elegant window furnishing with the ability to control light and privacy levels by tilting their unique blades. They can be mounted inside or outside the window opening, and adjusted through a tilt rod or tilt bar. The frame of a Plantation Shutter is designed to fit snugly within the window frame and is made from sturdy materials such as wood or PVC and can be fully customised to fit your window. The blades, which are the slats within the frame, can be adjusted by turning the tilt rod located on the front (traditional tilt rod on our imported custom made shutters only) or Hidden on the back of the frame for a more contemporary look. Hinges connect the shutter frame to the window frame and allow for easy opening and closing, while magnetic mounting hardware secures the shutter in place. The tilt rod, hinges, and mounting hardware all work together to ensure the efficient operation of the Plantation Shutter system.

What are the different mounting methods for Plantation Shutters?

Mounting methods refer to the way in which Plantation Shutters are installed and secured to a window. There are two main methods of mounting Plantation Shutters: Inside Mount and Outside Mount.

Inside Mount: This method involves installing the frame of the Plantation Shutters inside the window opening. The shutters are attached to the window frame or the wall on either side of the window, and the blades can be adjusted to control the amount of light and privacy. This method is the most common and preferred because it gives the shutters a clean, streamlined look and makes them appear to be part of the window itself.

Outside Mount: This method involves mounting the frame of the Plantation Shutters outside the window opening, typically on the wall or moulding. This method is often used when the inside of the window is not deep enough to accommodate the frame, or when a larger window coverage is desired. The advantage of an Outside Mount is that it provides more coverage and can be used to cover unsightly window frames or provide more privacy. However, it can also make the window appear smaller and less integrated with the room.

Inside Mount Plantation Shutter

Outside Mount Plantation Shutter

What is the difference between Hinged and Fixed Plantation Shutters?

Hinged and Fixed Plantation Shutters specifically differ in their functionality. The more versatile and most popular choice is the hinged Plantation Shutter. These shutters can open and close to control light and privacy using hinges that are attached to the frames of the shutters. They can be used on windows and doorway openings. A fixed Plantation Shutter, however, remains locked in place and does not swing open or closed, making it best suited for an immovable divider for privacy or for windows that do not open.

Hinged Shutters require top and bottom rails to be a minimum of 76mm for panels up to 700mm wide and 95mm for panels greater than 700mm.

Hinged Plantation Shutter

Fixed Plantation Shutter

What is the difference between a Plantation Shutter Z Frame, L Frame and Fixed U Frame?

Plantation Shutters come in different mounting frames to accommodate different window types and mounts, plus Shutter options.

The Z-frame, as its name implies, resembles the letter 'Z'. Designed specifically to be used with an inside mount Plantation Shutter. Part of the Z-frame sits inside the window while the other creates a lip around the window, giving the shutter a clean and defined framed edge around the window and preventing light bleed.

Meanwhile, the L Frame can be used for both inside and outside mounted Plantation Shutters. There are two types of L Frames that we use at Blinds on the Net, The Slim L Frame, that provides a lovely clean look and is used when your shutters are to be inside mounted; and an outside mount L Frame that is perfect for those who do not have perfectly square windows or are restricted by limited space between the front window frame and the window panel.

The Fixed U Frame is a U-shaped frame that is used to mount the shutters in a fixed position. The shutter itself slides into the U Frame in order to attach to the window. This frame is the only frame available to people who are looking to install a fixed Plantation Shutters. The U Frame profile is attached at the top and bottom of the window to secure the shutter in place.

Z Frame Inside Mount

L Frame Outside Mount

Slim L Frame Inside Mount

Fixed U Frame

What is the difference between Plantation Shutters and Venetian blinds?

A Plantation Shutter’s structure is different from a Venetian blind because it features a frame with adjustable blades, whereas a Venetian blind consists of smaller slats that are attached to a headrail. A Plantation Shutter’s blades are movable so that the room’s ventilation and lighting can be controlled. Most people prefer to install Plantation Shutters inside their window frames, however outside mounting is also a popular option for people whose windows are not symmetrical. Shutters can be hinged or fixed and made from a range of materials, such as wood or PVC. Plantation Shutters can create a lovely clean and streamlined look in a room while also acting as a real feature piece.

Venetian Blinds, on the other hand, have the added benefit of being able to both tilt the slats to control the light and have the slats raised and lowered for privacy. Our Venetian blinds are made using Aluminium, PVC, or Timber and are available in many colours and finishes to match your preferred interior design style.

Both Plantation Shutters and Venetian blinds are stylish and functional, making the choice between the two dependent on your personal preferences and needs.

Plantation Shutters

Venetian Blinds

Venetian Blinds

Are Shutters still in style?

People’s enduring perception that Plantation Shutters are not only a practical window solution but a stylish decor element, ensure their popularity to this day. Their timeless appeal and versatility have allowed Plantation Shutters to remain in demand, despite advances in technology and new window covering options becoming available. The classic, sophisticated look of shutters complements any decor style, whether it is traditional or modern.

From the kitchen and bathroom to the living room and bedroom, Shutters have a wide range of applications. Using them can also control the amount of light entering the room, which makes them an ideal choice for homeowners.

Overall, Plantation Shutters are a popular and stylish window covering, remaining a favourite among homeowners who are looking for both practicality and aesthetic appeal. The versatility of Shutters for your home can ensure you'll achieve the aesthetic you're aiming for, whether it's a traditional or modern style.

Do Plantation Shutters darken a room?

Plantation Shutters can change the level of light in a room, but the degree to which they do so will depend on how the blades are adjusted. A room can be darkened and deprived of natural light if plantation shutters are closed. For rooms such as bedrooms or home theatres that need privacy and light control, this can be beneficial.

It is also possible to allow some light into the room while maintaining a certain degree of privacy with Plantation Shutters. In order to create a balance between privacy and light, you can adjust the angle of the blades. By using Plantation Shutters in this way, you will be able to create an airy, bright atmosphere in your home.

Additionally, the colour of the Shutters, the orientation of the window, and the time of day can all influence how much light enters a room. Choosing light-coloured Shutters and positioning the window so that natural light flows as much as possible are recommended methods for minimising the obstructive effect Plantation Shutters have on light in a room.

Ultimately, plantation shutters can darken a room when closed, but they can also let light into the room and make the space appear bright and airy. The amount of darkening caused by shutters will depend on how the blades are adjusted, the colour of the shutters, and the position of the windows.

Do Plantation Shutters add value to your home?

There are several ways in which Plantation Shutters can add value to your home. In addition to their durability and versatility, they also have an aesthetic appeal that makes them a premium window covering option.

An advantage of Plantation Shutters is that they can improve the aesthetics of your home, and thus increase its value. From traditional to contemporary, Shutters are a timeless and classic design element. Furthermore, they can be customised to match your windows and walls, providing an integrated and seamless appearance.

Improved energy efficiency is another way Plantation Shutters can increase your home's value. The use of Shutters will allow you to control how much natural light and air enters a room, thereby regulating the temperature. By doing this, you can lower the cost of heating and cooling your home - saving you money on energy costs and providing a better environment for your family.

Furthermore, Plantation Shutters are low-maintenance and long-lasting. The proper care and maintenance of Plantation Shutters can extend their lifespan for many years, unlike some curtains and blinds that may require frequent cleaning or replacement. This can be an effective means of increasing the value of your home over time, which will in turn provide a good return on investment.

How long do Shutters last?

A popular and long-lasting alternative to interior blinds, Plantation Shutters are known for their durability and longevity. There are several factors that affect the lifespan of Plantation Shutters, such as the quality of the materials used, the type of finish, and how often they are used. Solid Timber Shutters with a quality finish or composite Shutters made from a durable material such as PVC with a stabilising Aluminium core, can last longer than Shutters made from lower-quality materials or finishes.

Maintaining Plantation Shutters can also extend their lifespan. You can preserve the appearance of Shutters and prevent damage over time by wiping down the frame and blades regularly with a damp cloth and by avoiding harsh chemicals.

Do Shutters make a room look smaller?

A room's perceived size can be impacted by the way in which plantation shutters are used or the design and style of the Shutters. The presence of Plantation Shutters in a room can make it look smaller to some people, while larger and more spacious to others.

Shutters with large, wide blades, for example, can make a room appear spacious and open by creating the illusion of height and width. As a result, more light enters the room, giving the impression of depth and space. Conversely, using shutters with small blades or heavy, bulky frames will tend to make a room look smaller and cluttered.

Moreover, the colour of a room's shutters can also affect its perceived size. For example, light can be reflected through shutters that are light-coloured, such as white or cream and create the illusion of more space. If you use shutters that are dark in colour, such as black or dark brown, it will absorb light and can make the room seem smaller and more cramped.

In the end, Plantation Shutters' impact on the perceived size of a room will vary depending on their design, colour, and finish, and how they are used. This is why it's crucial to consider these factors and choose Shutters that complement the space's aesthetics and enhance its sense of openness and space.

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